Adam and Eve: The sultry siren of Sin is in the house! This torrid affair in black tea blend is perfect for all matters of love, faithful partnership and attraction. This caffeinated blend has enough vibrancy to keep you and your special someone up until the job is done! Piano players everywhere wish their Torch Singers drank this tea. Ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and a sensual dusting of jasmine
Tasting Notes: 1/3 Green and 2/3 Black teas this sizzling, spicy blend is only muted by the indulgent Jasmine green tea. Less caffeine than the Fiery Wall of Protection, but no less flavor!
Blended with: Black tea, Cinnamon, Ginger, Jasmine Green Tea and Chai. It’s a mix of Green and Black. Tastes like a black tea, with a faint scent of desire to warm your blood.
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