Product Detail
The finest quality crushed Red Bell Pepper.
Bell pepper is a cultivar group of the species Capsicum annuum. Cultivars of the plant produce fruits in different colors including red yellow green and orange. Bell peppers are sometimes grouped with less pungent pepper varieties as “sweet peppers”. Peppers are native to Mexico Central America and northern South America. Pepper seeds were later carried to Spain in 1493 and from there spread to other European and Asian countries. Today Mexico remains one of the major pepper producers in the world.
Culinary Use
The red bell pepper is more flavourful than its less-ripe green counterpart. It is also more expensive due to an extended time (about two weeks) on the vine to achieve its rich hue.
Because a red bell pepper is so sweet it is a wonderful salad ingredient or fresh accompaniment to any dish. Always remove the seeds and membrane. They are not hot but can be bitter.
Medicinal Use
All bell peppers are good for you but the best are the red ones! They are loaded with sweet juicy flavor along with disease fighting antioxidants and all kinds of vitamins and minerals. We can them like apples in house but you can eat them about any way you want…and should!
All peppers are rich in vitamins A C and K but red peppers are simply bursting with them. Antioxidant vitamins A and C help to prevent cell damage cancer and diseases related to aging and they support immune function. They also reduce inflammation like that found in arthritis and asthma. Vitamin K promotes proper blood clotting strengthens bones and helps protect cells from oxidative damage.
Red peppers are a good source of the carotenoid called lycopene which is earning a reputation for helping to prevent prostate cancer as well as cancer of the bladder cervix and pancreas. Beta-cryptoxanthin another carotenoid in red peppers is holding promise for helping to prevent lung cancer related to smoking and secondhand smoke.