English Breakfast Tea


SKU: 0467c02a2efa Category:

English breakfast tea is a classic Blend of black teas produces a rich and satisfying tea that is robust and refreshing served every morning throughout the British Empire during the 1800’s. Most Blends are harvested from tea estates in northern and eastern India. Traditionally treat yourself to this coffee alternative.

English breakfast contains a unique set of oxidized anti-oxidants that are only found in black teas called the flavins and the arubigins. Like their green tea cousins initial research is showing that these anti-oxidants have promising cancer-fighting potential. Black tea has for long been a popular alternative to coffee because it provides a gentle energy peak without the caffeine drop often associated with coffee.

The rich smoky full-bodied flavor in addition to the sumptuous odour and invigorating properties of the tea will kick start your day. English breakfast tea serves as the perfect accompaniment to a hearty breakfast. The following health benefits may accompany consumption of English Breakfast Tea:

  • Lowered ;cholesterol
  • Promotion of ;heart health
  • Promotion of healthy skin teeth and bones
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100g, 1kg, 200g, 500g, 50g


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